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Information about Flonase.

Nose problemsNose problems may includenose bleedssoresulcersin your nosea certain fungal infection in your nosemouthand/or throatthrushhole in the cartilage of your nosenasal septal perforationSymptoms of nasal septal perforation may includecrusting in the nose nose bleeds runny nose whistling sound when you breathe slow wound healingYou should not use FLONASE Nasal Spray until your nose has healed if you have a sore in your nosehave had surgery on your noseor if your nose has been injuredeye problems including glaucoma and cataractsYou should have regular eye exams while you use FLONASE Nasal Sprayserious allergic reactionsCall your healthcare provider or get emergency medical care if you get any of the following signs of buy ivermectin in in no prescription. a serious allergic reactionrash hives swelling of your facemouthand tongue breathing problems weakened immune system and increased chance of getting infectionsimmunosuppressionTaking medicines that weaken your immune system makes you more likely to get infections and can make certain infections worseThese infections may include tuberculosisTBocularherpes simplex infectionsand infections caused by fungibacteriavirusesand parasitesAvoid contact with people who have a contagious disease such as chickenpox or measles while using FLONASE Nasal SprayIf you come in contact with someone who has chickenpox or measles call your healthcare provider right awaySymptoms of an infection may includefever feeling tired pain nausea aches vomiting chills lowered steroid hormone levelsadrenal insufficiencyAdrenal insufficiency happens when your adrenal glands do not make enough steroid hormonesThis can happen when you stop taking oral corticosteroid medicinessuch as prednisoneand start taking medicine containing an inhaled steroidsuch as FLONASE Nasal SpraySymptoms of adrenal insufficiency may includefeeling tired lack of energy weakness nausea and vomiting low blood pressure slowed growth in childrenA child’s growth should be checked often.

Rememberkeep this and all other medicines out of the reach of childrennever share your medicines with othersand use Flonase only for the indication prescribed.

This medication does not work right awayYou may feel an effect as soon as 12 hours after starting treatmentbut it may take several days before you get the full benefitIf your condition does not improve after 1 weekor if it worsensstop using this medication and consult your doctor or pharmacistIf you think you may have a serious medical problemget medical help right away.

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